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A Big THANK- YOU goes out to
these generous breeders for promoting their stallions!
Paul Starr
Ken Galbraith
Margo Carson
Andrew and Heather Spoelstra
Stephen and Sherry Lewis
Steve Gregg
Gerald and Ron Wismer
Patti Hossie
Stallion Name: Anderson’s Comet
Owner: Paul Starr
Five Point Clydesdales
Address: 384 Eden Rd RR1, Woodville ON
Info: Bay. Wide blaze extending over muzzle to chin on right side and to underjaw on left side,
two black spots between nostrils, right nostril black, left nostril partially black, white spot on
lower right belly, small white spot on left stifle, fore legs white to knees, right hind leg white to
hock, left hind leg white to hock and extending through gaskin to hip. Successful bidder can
choose Commet or Monte as long as they are both here.
Mare boarding: To be arranged.
Stallion Name:
Five Point Crystal’s Monte
Owner: Paul Starr
Five Point Clydesdales
Address: 384 Eden Rd RR1, Woodville ON
Info: Bay. Irregular blaze extending over right side muzzle to upper lip and over lower left
cheek along underjaw to back of cheek and front of throat, white patch on right side underjaw,
left fore leg white to top of forearm and extending to large patch behind elbow, right fore leg
white to above knee, right hind leg white to below hock and extending through to stifle and along
lower belly, left hind leg white to hock. Successful bidder can choose Comet or Monte as long
as they are both here.
Mare boarding: To be arranged
Stallion Name: Hollow Creek Carter
Owner: Ken Galbraith
Address: 198188 – 2nd Line NE, Melanchthon ON
Info: Bay. Bald face extending over left cheek to throatlatch and over right side of muzzle along
underjaw, dark spots on upperlip, small white spot on lower right belly, white patch behind left
elbow, fore legs white to above knees, hind legs white to above hocks and extending onto
Mare boarding: Mare care would be $10/day.
Stallion Name: Armbro Andrew
Owner: Margo Carson
Address: 5531 Perth Line 86 RR3, Listowel ON
Info: Bay. Face white extending to underjaw, white patch on right hip, underbelly white, fore
legs white to above the knees, hind legs white to above the hocks.
Mare boarding: To be arranged
Stallion Name: Farhope Andrew Tommy
Owner: Andrew & Heather Spoelstra
Roy-A-Lea Clydesdales
Address: 531 Guyatt Rd, Binbrook, ON
Info: The successful bidder will have the choice to two stallions from Roy-A-Lea Clydesdales.
Irregular blaze, black on cheeks; white spots on left check; spot on chest; two small black dots on nose, both nostrils; all four legs to hocks.
Mare boarding: $10/day mare care
Stallion Name: Kenbar Toby
Owner: Andrew & Heather Spoelstra
Roy-A-Lea Clydesdales
Address: 531 Guyatt Rd, Binbrook, ON
Info:The successful bidder will have the choice to two stallions from Roy-A-Lea Clydesdales.
Black. Face white extending to underjaw, small white spot on right cheek, white patch on
each side of lower belly, left fore leg white to above knee, right fore leg white to mid-cannon in
front and extending to knee in back, hind legs white to hocks and extending onto thighs.
Mare boarding: $10/day mare care
Stallion Name: Bud Ridge Hunter
Owner: Stephen and Sherry Lewis
Address: C 1060 Concession 13,
Cannington ON
Info: Live cover on farm. Good natured stallion & a very sure breeder. Black. Face white extending through left nostril to chin, left fore fetlock, right fore leg white to knee, hind legs white to below hocks.
Mare boarding: $5/day mare care
Stallion Name: Hatfield Winchester
Owner: Steve Gregg
Address: 30 Baseline South RR 1, Cargill ON
Info: On farm breeding only. Bay. Irregular white face extending over right nostril to upper lip
and over left cheek to underjaw, fore legs white to knees, hind legs white to hocks.
Mare boarding: $15/day mare care
Stallion Name: Iron Horse MM Steele
Owner: Gerald and Ron Wismer
Wismer Clydesdales
Address: 5610 County Rd 18
RR 1, Amherstburg ON
Info: Bay. White blaze face, dark left nostril, dark spots on muzzle, right fore white stocking
extending above the knee, left fore white stocking extending above the knee, right hind white leg
extending onto hip in back, left hind white stocking extending up stifle.
Mare boarding: Offering Cooled shipped semen only. $125.00 collection fee and shipping costs to be paid by the winning bidder.
This breeding is for 2024 season only.
Stallion Name: Sky Ridge Merlins's Matrix
Owner: Pattie Hossie
Sky Ridge Clydes
Address: 386191 20 Sideroad
Mono, Ontario
Info: Bay. Face white extending to chin, small spots below white patches on throat and neck, large white patch behind left elbow, white patch on left shoulder, white patch on lower left belly, small white patch behind right elbow, fore legs white to knees, hind legs white to hocks and extending up gaskins to stifles.
Mare Care is $5/day. On farm breeding only.
Stallion name: Knollbrook Argyll Prince
Owner: Pattie Hossie
Sky Ridge Clydes
Address: 386191 20 Sideroad
Mono, Ontario
Info: Bay Roan. Blaze extending over left cheek to undertow ,small white spot on left upper shoulder, fore legs white to knees, right hind leg white to hock, left hand leg white to hock and extending through gaskin to stifle
Mare Care is $5/day. On farm breeding only.
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